October Journal Prompts
Some say that Fall/Autumn is the elite of all seasons. It’s a time to get cosy, spend more time indoors and really enjoy festivities with loved ones.
Let’s understand ourselves better internally so we can fulfil goals that are for ourselves, for our environment and for our relationships.

We’ve written our monthly prompts a little differently this month. Rather than focussing on internal feelings, we want to encourage everyone to get invested in the Autumnal season and get used to putting pen to paper.
This is 100% just. a. guide. In it’s essence, journalling is a time to really dive into your thoughts (or paddle in them if you like), and any time taken attempting this is beneficial.
1, horror movies to watch
2. october manifestations
3. if i were a witch
4. my fav villains
5. best candies
6. what makes me confident
7. what makes me nervous
8. fav season
9. what do i want to achieve before year ends
10. last dream i remember
11. quotes i love
12. my hardest loss
13. ’m looking forward to
14. halloween costume ideas
15. a year ago…

16. a place i want to go
17. what did i do today
18. least favorite chores
19. outfit inspo
20. diys i wanna try
21. what’s the weather like?
22. a list
23. my appearance in detail
24. fav place to write
25. if fall was a person
26. plans for halloween
27. i’m scared of…
28. what is fear
29. my halloween costume
30. october favs